Engineer commits suicide after he couldn’t cope with ex marrying another man


A 26 year old distraught engineer, Michael Howell, hanged himself after his ex-girlfriend, Doga married another man and he couldn’t cope with the heartbreak.
Michael Howell, who is originally from Liverpool, confided in a friend during a New Year’s Day drink that his ex-girlfriend was marrying someone else, an inquest has heard.
He sent a text message to the same pal later in the evening saying he couldn’t cope with his ex getting married and then hanged himself in the bathroom.
The young software engineer was found by his housemates in the house, days later after they became worried that he was not responding to Whatsapp messages.
The inquest in Oxford had heard that Mr Howell had spent Christmas at home but had gone out for drinks with a friend on January 1.
It was during these drinks that Mr Howell told his friend, Gerhard Rauch, that his ex-girlfriend – described to the hearing only as Doga – was getting married.
A statement from Mr Rauch was read to the inquest. It detailed what had happened that evening when they had been out together.
Mr Howell and Mr Rauch had a number of drinks on the evening of January 1, before they parted to go to their respective homes at 10pm.
Oxfordfshire coroner Darren Salter was told that Mr Rauch received a message from Mr Howell at 10.30pm, saying: ‘I can’t take Doga getting married.’
When he woke up the next morning, Mr Rauch sent a text at 8am which said: ‘I’m still drunk Mike.’ But there was no response to this and mobile phone Whatsapp records indicated it was not opened by Mr Howell.
When his housemates returned after the Christmas holiday and New Year period on January 3, they thought that Mr Howell had travelled abroad, even though his mother said his car was parked outside.
One housemate, Stephanos Aradipiotis, a research engineer, became worried for Mr Howell’s welfare and checked on his room but the door was locked.

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