Woman Claims Her Husband Resurrected After She Fasted For 2 Months

A woman from Tanzania has left many in awe by claiming she prayed and fasted until her husband who had passed away two months ago resurrected.
The Woman claims to have been married to one Richard David Tarimo who died on Friday, March 30 2018. Mrs. Tarimo said her husband resurrected on Monday, May 21, following her joint prayers with the church leaders.
In a recent interview on Tuesday, May 22, the woman from Rombo, Kilimanjaro Province said Tarimo developed breathing complications on Thursday, March 29 and succumbed on the way to the hospital.
“My husband developed chest complications that day and our efforts to rush him to hospital did not bear fruits because he died on the way.
“We took him to the mortuary and interred him the following day,”
However, in a shocking twist, she said the mound of soil on her husband’s grave disappeared seven days after burial on Thursday, April 5, making her suspect he had left the grave in a miraculous way.
She explained that:-
“I realized the grave had flattened very fast and I felt deep inside my husband was not in there. I commenced a Novena fast prayer session together with my pastors and a revelation came to me that my husband had left the grave.”
She said after the prayer and fasting session she began meeting her husband when going about her daily activities but could not get to talk to him because he would disappear in thin air.
The lady claimed she felt her vision was true because some of the neighbours also revealed they had met the man in different social places including drinking joints.
“I continued praying and yesterday one of the pastors we were praying with brought him home though he looked tired and dizzy so we have not talked. I know there is witchcraft but in this case, I strongly believe it is the works of the creator,”
“Things began happening differently concerning the death of my husband from the day of burial when I feel we buried just something else. When the body was brought home, there was grief and pain but when we were heading to the cemetery, my well of tears dried up and grief left me.”

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